Lindsey Mueller
Senior Staff

Lindsey Mueller is a Senior Staff member at ML Weekes & Company, PC. Over the last several months, Lindsey has provided a variety of services to assist clients who receive grants and contracts from federal and state agencies. She has extensive experience with the federal regulations and guidelines governing grants and contracts including OMB Circulars, and now the Uniform Guidance (2 CFR Part 200).
Lindsey assists in the preparation of Facilities and Administrative (F&A) and indirect cost rates and cost allocation plans for not-for-profit organizations, hospitals, research institutes, government agencies, and colleges and universities. She also provides assistance in the negotiation of these indirect rates with numerous cognizant agencies.
Before joining ML Weekes & Company, Lindsey most recently was an Accounting Manager for the State of Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Division in Helena, MT. She supervised five individuals, including the Federal Grants Accountant and Private/State Grants Accountant, and oversaw their daily operations. She reviewed, approved, and submitted Federal Financial Reports (SF-425) to the grant-awarding agencies as well as verified expenditures were allowable and reasonable prior to submitting reimbursement requests.
In total, Lindsey has over 16 years of accounting experience in government, private, and nonprofit critical access hospitals. She has provided high-level accounting expertise to verify adherence to accounting standards in maintaining multimillion-dollar budgets, reviewed and revamped internal control plans to identify weaknesses and strengthen internal controls over financial reporting, and served as the lead in financial compliance audits.
Lindsey earned her B.S. in Financial Management with a Minor in Accounting from Clemson University. She obtained her M.S. in Accounting and Financial Management from the University of Maryland University College (now University of Maryland Global Campus).